T Minus 240 Minutes and Counting

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Good oogly moogly, are we getting stoked about our big trip north to catch Beer Wars!    Yes, a small army from your friendly neighborhood Dogfish Brewery and Brewings & Eats will be rolling out at 5:30 on the bus to Wilmington to support this film.  As I blog, our Sales Poobah Adam and the new Delmarvalous Sales Guy, Nick, are cornering the market on snack chips for the out-of-town trek.  (Message to locals:  if you're a Miltonian with a hankering for cornchips, hurry off to the market before it's too late!)  Sam, you won't be able to see us, but know that the Dogfish gang are with you in spirit and will be raising the roof when you come on the big screen!  Alright, let me curb some of my enthusiasm, and my salt cravings...tasty snacks in my near future...and get back to work:  people to hire, things to do!