Putting the Brewings in Brewings and Eats

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Hello friends.


There will be some brewing excitement occuring at the Rehoboth pub tomorrow...well it was supposed to be today but there was a delay in our malt delivery but that's a minor inconvenience. We spent the time wisely for sure.


Milton staff brewer Wayne Milford has formulated an abbey dubbel to be brewed with Pils, Vienna, Munich, Biscuit and Special B malts along with dark candi syrup and some wicked great belgian yeast. Following the primary fermentation, Wayne has acquired a few bourbon barrels in which to age this heady delight for a bit. This beer is going to be bonkers for sure. Wayne worked diligently to make sure everything was right before committing to his final recipe and I am confident the proof will be in the pint.


Months and months ago our friend Wicked Pete Slosberg of Pete's Wicked Ale fame gave us some exotic spices and a brick of tamarind paste and challenged us to brew with the lot. Sam and I have kept the idea on the back burner and the time has come to make this happen. The recipe has been created and materials has been procured. As the time draws nearer, I will divulge more information. We are super excited to make this beer!


Milton staff cellarman Josh Tierney is going thru the American Brewers Guild program. This is an intensive brewing science and technology course which will ready him for the next level of his career. Part of the Guild program involves a five week apprenticeship at a real brewery. What do you know...we have one right here. We have arranged with the Guild to fulfill that requirement in Milton and we've got some cool stuff planned for Josh. To successfully complete his apprenticeship, he will be required to formulate, brew, ferment and package a beer on our pilot system in Milton. A special pin of his efforts will be offered up as his final exam to be poured from the beer engine at the Rehoboth pub. I know he's really looking forward to this just as his co-workers are. We are going to make sure he has a great experience with his education.


That's all I have for now. Talk to you later.


PS. Me, my wife and the kids had dinner at the pub tonight and the 75 Minute IPA was BANG-ING!