Dogfish Head Announces Film Competition

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Since brewing out first batch of beer in 1995, our motto has been 'off-centered ales for off-centered people'. So, by definition, we have no interest in appealing to the status quo. We

Since brewing out first batch of beer in 1995, our motto has been 'off-centered ales for off-centered people'. So, by definition, we have no interest in appealing to the status quo. We are an independent brewery looking for independent-minded beer drinkers. So far, so good. We have branched out into off-centered food (our brewpub in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware and our Alehouse in Gaithersburg, Maryland) soda, shampoo, vodka, rum, hip-hop, soap, cookies, and music videos. We even have our own hotel room and make our own artwork from scratch in our screen-printing studio.

We heartily believe in the DIY-grassroots-david-beats-goliath approach. And now we want to give independent-minded, aspiring filmmakers the chance to let their own freak-flags fly by making their own films that celebrate the perseverance of the underdog!

We want to incorporate as many different, individual, vignettes of the 'little engines that could' into the world of Dogfish Head and we want to celebrate filmmakers whose visions jibe with our own. In addition to the copious booty we will lay on first-through-third place annual winners, we will show many of the competition submissions online and in our pubs and breweries as well. Our goal is to build a short film competition that is as far from the mainstream as our 90 Minute I.P.A. is from Bud Light. So what are you waiting for? Crack open a cold on, pour it into a nice snifter, and let it come up to cellar temperature while you storyboard. Sip. Brainstorm. Sip again. Write dialogue. Sip again. Cast. Sip. Make that film. Good luck. Cheers.

Click here to download a .pdf version of the Official Entry Form and Competition Guidelines .

Please note: Submission deadline has been extended to 9/30/06! Film Directors must be at least 21 years old by the submission deadline of September 30, 2006.

(if you can't download the form, we'd be happy  to e-mail you one... send a request to