We work with a network of 100+ wholesale partners, or 'distributors' around the country to help spread the Dogfish love (if you are in PA it gets confusing b/c you guys call beer stores 'distributors,' but when WE use the term, it means our wholesaler partners). These companies are the ones that provide Dogfish Head beers to all the beer stores, bars and restaurants wherever we sell. We dont yet have distribution in 100% of the good ole U-S-A, but we're making more and more Dogfish each year so hopefully it'll happen at some point!

In the meantime, we’re happy to accept inquiries from interested wholesalers. If you are an interested wholesaler, please send your inquiry to info@dogfish.com

If you are a beer store, bar or restaurant in a region covered by one of our wholesale partners, just contact one of them directly to feel the Dogfish love.

If you are a customer looking for a place to buy a Dogfish beer, please use the Fish Finder (that'll show where our wholesalers delivered Dogfish beers in the past 60 days).

Thanks for all your support!


Work In Progress